Purpose of this newsletter: To stay in touch with/build a like-hearted community. To share resources. To uplift others. & to support YOUR holistic (whole/total) health & therein awakening as humanity & the planet upgrades in this most significant time of ascension.
You are receiving this email because you have attended a class, training, retreat, workshop or immersion with me. Unsubscribe if no longer interested. 😘
What’s in this email?
1. It’s felt like a rough year, I mean, month…
2. February/Theme 2 (“Unlearning Back to God”) is here! Go check your dashboard!
3. Early sign up gift extended. Sign up before Valentine’s Day (midnight, Feb 14th).I’m holding a raffle. 1st prize is worth nearly $300 & all who participate will automatically receive a secondary prize regardless.
You all alright?! I sure wasn’t. It feels like the planet went haywire this month. Well, my insides (and some outsides) felt like that anyway. I’m feeling less connected out of the yoga studios, but taking the temperature of the collective, regardless, I was not the only one feeling incredibly intense energies. (I give a smidge of an energetic update in the video.) Let’s see, shall I list all of my weird symptoms so in case any number of you were/are too experiencing the unexplained and feeling alone in it? Ok, so first, my entire endocrine system felt hijacked (horomones!). Some, also unexplained, never-before-experienced eye/facial allergy derailed me. I did not sleep for about half the month. Anger and sadness dominated my emotional state, but when that broke, I was flooded with so many insights and rapid synchronicities I felt like I was living in another world entirely for a good 24 hours. Anyone else have wild symptoms? I had to keep reminding myself that the caterpillar in the cocoon MUST be having a strange experience when liquifying before turning into its new, upgraded self.
Anyhow, if there are other resources I can provide that any of you would find useful, my ears are open. Just reach out.
As always, sending love,
Surviving January…
Step by Step Sign Up Process (Please Watch)🌟; Text 561-703-9150 if you hit any snags registering.
Membership Details
Yoga is a freedom practice. A practice to help liberate our whole Self (body, mind, heart, soul/spirit). For those of you who know this from your own experience, and are looking to dive into some of the deeper waters of your yoga practice, I offer you this.
Advancing Your Yoga (yogis)/
Evolving Your Consciousness (ya’ll):
A sadhana: a daily or regular “spiritual” practice. Objective: gaining greater personal & collective liberation.
This “membership” is for my fellow freedom-seekers. Those of you who too know that the only thing standing in your way is an accumulation of false beliefs & limiting stories. In yogic terms this would be called illusion or dukha.*
Speaking to the format: In the words of one of my favorite teachers, “Words don’t teach, experience does.” Words can, in my opinion, help us understand (intellectually) what we are experiencing. It helps us increase our belief in the process. And belief is a big deal. Essential actually. Just look at the research on the placebo effect. So, we will: learn, experience, learn experience, learn, experience. This moment is a result of this work for me. My heart has called me to travel the country and take part in a surrender experiment. To Trust in the safety and direction of the unknown & present moment; that the Creative Intelligence of the universe is my Source of abundance and safety. The tools I am sharing here are what have helped me shed my own limitations for many years, and my great hope is they will help do the same for you.
What will you receive monthly:
Yoga class audio*
Extended Savasana*
Podcast-esque: Dharma Talks (videos)*
Active Learning Questions*
Active Learning Journal Prompts
What will you receive weekly:
Extra resources/tools that support our monthly theme such as:
Deep dive questions to help you further integrate the theme’s wisdom into your daily life.
Extra meditations to compliment theme integration
Music playlists
Rampages of Appreciation*
Before sleep audio
Supportive podcasts, articles, astrological and space weather updates, etc. Leave room too for surprises.
Supportive articles and other resources
Quantum/holistic health resources
I am taking over a decade of teaching, studying & research in the fields of spirituality, consciousness, yoga, combining it with 2 decades of experience with 12-step recovery work whose roots reside in Christian Mysticism, and more recently the grandmother Science of Quantum Physics and Integrative Medicine. I have taught in the public realm for over 20 years (higher ed. poetry & writing before consciousness/spirituality etc). Now to take it online to increase its availability. If you have friends or family who you think may benefit, please pass this offering along.
*Yoga class (audio): these will be shorter yoga asana classes designed to physically and energetically prepare you for an extended savanna (see below).
*Extended Savasana: In my opinion, and from my experience, this is where the magic of the practice begins. The deeper one goes into a yoga practice, the more internal it becomes. We begin to journey inward & experience internal gifts of consciousness. More on this once our journey begins.
*Podcast-esque: “Dharma Talks” (videos): I will be explaining our themes & how they relate to our present moment lives both personally & collectively. Some will be like mini classes on yogic themes, incorporating other fields such as the quantum sciences.
*Active Learning Questions: Much like the questions I have posting on our weekly blogs, these questions, along with journaling prompts, are a big part of how we incorporate the teachings of yoga & other wisdom traditions in order to expand our consciousness, getting us closer to the Truth of our Selves. Again, more on this along the way.
*Rampages of Appreciation (audio): designed to help increase one’s mood/frequency/magnetic attraction to more of what one desires to experience, rather than letting whatever energies/feelings that are dominate in the collective at the time, influence us.
This is a donation-based offering with a set minimum donation. If finances are tight for you, I’m hoping this helps support you. One of the many gifts of expanding consciousness, for example, is the gradual (sometimes immediate) release from old lack programming and back into a state of abundance consciousness. I am no longer receiving an income from teaching so this will be a great support to me as an independent teacher. All of your contributions will go directly to me growing this offering & getting it out into the world to those who it is meant to find. Thank you for supporting local, independent teachers and practitioners.
Medicine Bird Quantum Wellness PLLC
Holistic=whole/total. Cancer, for example, is dis-ease that has finally manifested in the physical body well after it has announced itself symptomatically, all the while making its way through the four bodies preceding the physical (bliss, supra-mental, mental, emotional/energetic).* Dis-ease is just that—a lack of ease. Western medicine aims at ridding the physical body of the physically manifested dis-ease through 2 modalities: chemicals (“medicine”) & surgery. These modalities, however, do not treat the root. It’s like cleaning up a giant puddle of water, emptying the overflowing sink, but leaving the actual faucet running. Natural/Holistic wellness of this sort (with a focus on the quantum rules/law/workings of all life) locates the faucet & supports the owner of the faucet in making the internal quantum leap/move to close that valve.
Mine is a general wellness practice in quantum medicine with an emphasis on dis-ease, most especially anxiety & addiction (not just drugs & alcohol, but any obsessive, painful behavioral patterns).
Get me your email! Duh. I’ll have especially cool offerings and treats for you a few times a year, Newsletter style.
Hi There! Thanks for Stopping By!
Welcome to Medicine Bird Quantum Wellness
We are currently Under Construction
Feel Free to Browse...
We are in the final stages of the build-out and testing. You may go ahead and Sign Up here for access to the Newsletter and some of the resources while we are still in Beta.
There is NO CHARGEuntil we are up and running.
Following the roll-out, Membership will be Donation Based.
Any Feedback on the Sign-Up process would be greatly welcomed, but certainly not required.
I will be making an announcement via NewsletterAs Soon as the Membership program is Active.
Join the free membership trial & get me your email
Get me your email! Duh. I’ll have especially cool offerings and treats for you a few times a year, Newsletter style.
Medicine Bird Quantum Wellness PLLC
Mine is a general wellness practice in quantum medicine with an emphasis on addiction (not just drugs & alcohol, but any obsessive, painful behavioral patterns) anxiety/depression, autoimmune disease & cancer.